Monday, January 28, 2019

                                                                                                                                         Christmas 2018
                                                                                                                     written on January 28, 2019


Now that the busyness of the Christmas season is over...and I have a snow day, I would like to take the time to update you on our family.  There have been a few changes this year.  I have a new job, we have a new addition, and another new addition coming in 2019. 

                   God is good all the time!  All the time God is good!

We still attend and serve in the same church that we met and also raised our children in.  Eric has the same job that he started in 2003.  I (Sue) worked the last 10 years in the office of a local heating and cooling company setting appointments, but this past fall I returned to my dream job at a local school as a paraprofessional.  I had always worked with children my whole life, except for these last 10 years.  This past year I had prayed a lot about what God wanted me to do with the time I have left on this earth and He gave me some answers.  As I have aged, I think more and more about using my time and talents wisely.  My dad passed away when he was only 54 years old and I have eased past that age...unbelievable, I know!  None of  us know how much time we have on this earth and once I passed the age of 54, I have been a little more mindful of my time.  

So, with much prayer asking for a clear sign of what God wanted me to do, I left my office job in August without another job lined up.  I had never done that before. It had been ingrained in me as a teenager that you don't leave one job until you have another one lined up. But with a clear sign to leave my job, I knew God had something else for me.  I applied for jobs in schools and mission- minded agencies. I even had an interview at a school for the disabled before I left my job.  That one didn't pan out, but it wasn't long before God led me to the school where I am now working.  I had 4 glorious weeks of vacation (or I like to call it a brief time of retirement, which I could get used to real quick...LOL) before I started my job at Walker Charter Academy.  Due to the wintry storms in Michigan, I am enjoying a snow day at home today.

Enough about me.....Let me tell you about our kids and their families.

Caleb has been working at Gentex in Zeeland (MI) this past year.  It is right up his alley of technology.  They make high-tech parts for cars.  If you have a car with special features on your rear-view mirror or side mirrors, then you are benefiting from his hard work.  Caleb has always been naturally talented with computers and anything electronic.  Not sure where he got it from, but it wasn't from Eric or me.  Caleb and our son-in-law, Vic, are our go-to guys when the TV, cable, or other electronic devices have troubles.  
Speaking of technology....Eric and I have even joined the tech- age with a Google Home.  How about that?  We can turn the Christmas tree lights on or play Christmas music by just asking a little device on our table.  Aren't we on the cutting-edge?  😎

Ninja, Zombie, & Batman
Sue, Carter, & Grace

Grace and her family are doing well.  Vic has a great job with AT&T and supports the family while Grace stays home with the three kids.  We are loving them a little closer this year.  They are staying with us while they are between houses.  The kids are going to the local school while they stay here.  Gavin is in first grade and Emma is in Kindergarten. Their youngest, Carter,  has been diagnosed with autism.  He started school when he was three years old to help him try to talk and learn social and academic skills.  He is now 4 years old and is in his second year of school.  He is still non-verbal, but he sure does love to cuddle.  Grandma loves those cuddles!  
Our house is big enough that they can have the upstairs and Eric and I have the downstairs (my knees are thankful for that).  We now occupy the bedroom-bathroom suite that had been modified for Josh a few years back.  We love having our grandkids so close.  It has worked out well since everyone has been very respectful about giving each family their space.

Cousins:  Clara & Emma
Vic & Emma


Josh and Lisa are expecting a brother for Clara in June.  They are pretty excited! They are the ones that live the furthest away from us in Greenville, MI, which is only 45 minutes away.  I am the luckiest grandma in the whole-wide world with grandchildren that live so close by.  Lisa is a PA in Greenville while Josh is a stay-at-home dad.  Josh has had some major and minor health issues the last few years, but has been doing better lately.  I mentioned in last year's letter that they were staying in an extended stay hotel while their house was being modified and around February 2018 they were able to move back home.  Their house is very lovely and very useful for Josh's needs.  I know they are all thankful to be back home.  Clara attends pre-school in Greenville.  Clara has stayed overnight a few times with her cousins at our house.  I love seeing the cousins hang out together like that.  It brings back a lot of memories of all the fun times I spent with my cousins growing up.  Special times for sure!

Gavin, Carter, Clara, & Emma

Eric, Kristi, & Ellianna

Kristi is now a mama.  Ellianna is our new addition in 2018.  She is a cutie!  Ellianna's dad's name is Eric, so it does get confusing at times when the name Eric is mentioned.  Now we have a grandpa Eric and an Uncle Eric.  Kristi and Eric met many years ago when Josh and Eric played wheelchair basketball together.  They have been seeing each other now for 10-12 years.  Kristi works at a company that cleans up new construction homes.  She will go back to work this next month.  I think it will be hard since she has been with Elli 24/7 for almost three months.  She loves her little baby girl!


Selfie:  Eric, Isaiah, Sue
Isaiah is our youngest child.  Our baby is 26 years old now.  How did that happen?  I guess they say we are as old as we feel and most days lately, I do feel like the mother of a 26 year old (thanks to my arthritic knees).  Actually, I am the mother of a 34 year old too and some other numbers in between.  Anyway, back to I have mentioned in other recent Christmas letters, Isaiah has turned out to be a nice young man.  He is very generous and kind, which may be surprising to those that knew him as a rascally youngster.  He is so very helpful around the house making sure the lawn is mowed, the driveway is shoveled/snow blown, the dishes are done, etc.  I do hope he will find that special girl someday and start his own family, but for right now we will immensely enjoy all his help around here.  He also helps Josh with many things at his house as Josh's attendant.  

Thank you for listening to the joyous moments in my life. I hope your 2018 was good and your 2019 even greater.   And if you haven't done already, please open your eyes and heart to God.  Let him lead you through the ups and downs of your life.  He will give you a PEACE that this world could never give.  Wishing you that PEACE that passes all understanding this year.  

                                  With much love,

                                             Eric & Sue (Susan or Susie to some of you)

                             *** If you need more encouragement in your life, check out
                                        my blog listed in the Family Links on the right. ***

                                              Also listen to this song by clicking on the link below.
                                                     Come As You Are - by David Crowder